Events Online’s instructional design team promotes learning through the use of proven learning theory, a wide range of instructional strategies and a systematic approach to training development called Instructional Systems Design (ISD). Our results driven team ensures that training aligns with training requirements and that the end product meets or exceeds your expectations.
Making Instruction Effective
Good instruction is both engaging and relevant to the job. Events Online works closely with subject matter experts (SMEs) to identify the concepts, processes and procedures that support good performance. Our experienced instructional designers use a variety of instructional strategies to achieve learning goals such as; engaging interactions, animations, audio, simulations and games.

The Development Process
Events Online begins by analyzing the learning needs of the target audience and using this information to identify learning objectives. Objectives form the basis for the training design, and learning materials are developed from these instructional blueprints. Finally, course materials are field-tested to evaluate their effectiveness.
Blended Training Solutions
As learning moves closer to the job, instructional designers are blending different delivery systems to address the need for more just-in-time learning, performance support and distance learning. This allows learners to draw from a richer variety of events and experiences. Events Online is skilled in the many delivery methods that make blended learning work. We create high-quality web-based training, instructor-led training, synchronous elearning (webinars), hands on labs, job aids and more.